UT-Austin Ranked #1 Top Public University In The Country

Niche.com ranked 1,713 top public universities in the US and our beloved 40 Acres came out on top. Hook ’em!

Rankings are based on the following:

The 2016 Top Public Universities ranking is based on key statistics and student reviews. The top ranked public colleges are elite academic institutions that provide a good value for in-state students and offer an exceptional college experience.

Here’s how our score card came out:

UT Austin Ranked #1 Niche.com

D+ for parking makes sense. And, drug safety? We’re wondering what they mean by that ourselves.

Others schools ranked as follows:

#10 Texas A&M
#45 University of Jokelahoma
#60 Texas Tech University

Hook ’em!

Someone Hacked A Traffic Sign on 24th & Rio Grande To Say “OU Still Sucks”

Not all hacks are bad, and not all heroes wear capes.

Great job to whoever did this. OU still sucks!

Will Ferrell Wants To Get Rid of Fraternities, Especially OU’s

Even though he’s a Trojan (and forever our enemy), Actor Will Ferrell answered a question last week on a New York Times Q&A here in Austin during SXSW about whether fraternities should exist at all, given all of the attention from OU’s SAE incident a few weeks ago:

Q. Will, we are fraternity brothers of Delta Tau Delta, albeit different chapters and years. The recent awful situation with SAE has brought out the “frat haters” in droves. Could you comment on your own fraternity experience and why (or why not) fraternity membership is still a worthy consideration for a college student? —Stephen Browning, Seattle

A.The incident in Oklahoma, that is a real argument for getting rid of the system altogether, in my opinion, even having been through a fraternity. Because when you break it down, it really is about creating cliques and clubs and being exclusionary. Fraternities were started as academic societies that were supposed to have a philanthropic arm to them. And when it’s governed by those kind of rules, then they’re still beneficial. But you gotta be careful. I was lucky in that the one I was in, we were really kind of the anti-fraternity fraternity. We were considered good enough to get the exchanges with the good sororities. We couldn’t get anyone to vote on anything, but if you needed 40 guys to show up and build a 20-foot-tall papier-mâché version of the Matterhorn, we were there and ready. But we didn’t take it too seriously. It was just about having fun. But I think it’s an interesting dilemma for universities these days

OU Frat Yells Racist Chant, Doesn’t Know The Internet Exists

Just about a month ago, it was at a Texas FIJI party where guests wore “ponchos, sombreros, and construction gear” to a Mexican-themed event.

Well, it looks like the SAE chapter at OU took its racism above and beyond in one of the most despicable, vile videos one can watch. See below.

The one common thread among the two events? They apparently don’t know that the Internet exists.

Total Frat Move has reported that the chapter and all of its members have been suspended.

Top 15 Reasons Why OU (Still) Sucks

It’s no surprise that we play a game against OU in the great state of Texas rather than the stinkhole armpit of America called Norman. Here are the Top 15 Reasons Why Oklahoma Sucks (make sure you read until the end for a special surprise).

15.) Because they’re stupid enough to report something like this


14.) There’s a reason the Red River Rivalry is held in Dallas. A Longhorn once went to Norman and this happened…

13.) Because a stadium full of Sooners wouldn’t be a pretty sight…


12.) Because most of their team is from Texas

Seriously. Check out this post.


11.) Because they’re dumber than a box of rocks
