UT-Austin Ranked #1 Top Public University In The Country

Niche.com ranked 1,713 top public universities in the US and our beloved 40 Acres came out on top. Hook ’em!

Rankings are based on the following:

The 2016 Top Public Universities ranking is based on key statistics and student reviews. The top ranked public colleges are elite academic institutions that provide a good value for in-state students and offer an exceptional college experience.

Here’s how our score card came out:

UT Austin Ranked #1 Niche.com

D+ for parking makes sense. And, drug safety? We’re wondering what they mean by that ourselves.

Others schools ranked as follows:

#10 Texas A&M
#45 University of Jokelahoma
#60 Texas Tech University

Hook ’em!

Texas Fans Sing ‘The Eyes of Texas’ At Wrigley Field

‘Cause we’re Texas and we can do these sort of things, Longhorn fans have taken over Wrigley Field to sing “The Eyes of Texas”.

Hook ’em!

The 2015 Texas Longhorn Footballs Have Arrived!

Prepare yourselves.

And if you’re really hurtin’, you can check out our Horns Countdown!

Justin Tucker Just Posted This Pic That Will Piss Off Any Aggie

Give us a reason to piss off any Aggie and we will. Like this pic from Justin Tucker, the famed Longhorn kicker who will forever live in history because of this:

Justin, you already stole our hearts and now you’re stealing our Instagram “likes”. Take ’em all!

The ball that beat the aggies. #HookEm

A photo posted by Justin Tucker (@jtuck9) on

Kevin Durant & TJ Ford Had Some Awesome Things To Say About Coach Rick Barnes

Embattled Texas basketball coach Rick Barnes was given notice this weekend that he was fired from his head coaching position.

Immediately, former players TJ Ford & Kevin Durant took to Twitter & Instagram to show their gratitude and appreciation for the 17-year coach of the Longhorns.

UT Austin Named Eighth-Best Urban Campus in the U.S.

College Raptor named UT-Austin the 8th-best urban campus in the U.S. We at Longhorn Humor think it’s #1 and here are 50 reasons why, but here’s what they had to say…

Austin is known as a lively and innovative city with a unique atmosphere. When students aren’t studying at one of UT Austin’s beautiful libraries, they’re enjoying the area’s numerous natural swimming holes or shopping the quirky 2nd Street District.  Not to mention Austin’s notorious music and arts scene, which culminates each March in the South by Southwest (SXSW) Festival.

Hook ’em!

19 Celebrities Who Bleed Burnt Orange

We’ve already put together our list of Famous Longhorns, but now it’s time to dig deeper into our favorite celebrities who bleed burnt orange…even if they didn’t even go to the 40 Acres! So, while OU has redneck celebrities who sport their ugly “crimson” crap, here’s a run down of A-list celebs who know how to Hook ’em!

1. Beyoncé

Let’s start with Queen B. Bae knows what’s up. She’s all knowing and powerful. Hook ’em!


2.) Justin Bieber

It was during SXSW. I’m sure someone was drunk when this decision was made.

3.) George Straight

We all have that friend who goes to Texas State and bleeds burnt orange…and the King of Country is one of them!


4.) Jessica Simpson

Even though she says some things that an Aggie might say, she still looks cute in burnt orange, tho.


These Pets Dressed In Burnt Orange Are Cuter Than Bevo

We asked our followers on Twitter submit pics of their furry friends wearing burnt orange…and we weren’t disappointed! WARNING: CUTENESS AHEAD!!!

16.) This little pup I’m sure tried really hard for Texas Cheer

15.) Who’s ready for a showdown?

14.) Pup to Sooner pup: “Come at me, bro!”

13.) That face you made all last season…

12.) I’m sure this one poops in West Campus…

11.) Coach Dog will make you have a ruff day if you don’t listen to him!

10.) Apparently even ferrets bleed burnt orange